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District 31 nyc Form: What You Should Know
Voting Information: 1. Which one of the following candidates is your FIRST choice, if any: Senator Joseph T. Bruno, Council Member Humane D. Williams and Congressman Peter K. Martins 2. Have you voted in at least 3 prior elections? 3. If an election is held today, do you plan to vote in person or by absentee ballot? Please provide a brief explanation of why each candidate should receive our vote. Thank you very much for your response. We will be following up with the Office of District Planning if we do not receive a response within 7 days. Please be sure to mail in your letter by the deadline.  Please be sure to include your mailing address, phone number, e-mail and website. Please include the information we requested in our “Voting Information” question on the next page. CEC 32 — District 32 Community Education Council CEC 32 is a community-based organization dedicated to providing education and training to our local members, and to fostering the education of the next generation. By teaching our members and volunteers about how to vote and what issues are important in our community and in the larger world, CEC 32 works to ensure that NYC residents will have the tools they need to have a more informed, active and active citizenry. Please fill out the form below: 2nd Congressional District 31: 1st Choice is Rep Peter Tadzhik, Mayor Bloomberg & Council Member Melinda Ryder, or 2nd choice is CEC member John S. Giulio Please provide a brief explanation of why each candidate should receive our vote. Thank you very much for your response. CEC 33 CEC 33 seeks to promote civic engagement, participation, and empowerment by providing a forum for educational events, community meetings, and informational forums. Through its Education and Outreach initiatives, CEC 33 promotes positive and proactive efforts undertaken by neighborhood and neighborhood based organizations to increase the effectiveness of civic engagement and leadership development opportunities. CEC 33 works on a multitude of issues that affect the lives of New York City residents — from economic justice, community health, housing, transportation, and youth development to environmental and natural sustainability, and community justice.
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