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Rte 31 Form: What You Should Know

S. To Pennsylvania roads. However, while there are a number of  alternative location specific schemes the following two are the most prominent in existence.  Alternative 1 — The West Branch Route The West Branch Route was originally introduced into the plan in the early 1980s in a  Proposed Route Options document. This plan was presented to state leaders and the  Motorists' Council. This initial West Branch route proposal involved a U.S.-US 30  Route 32 Split at the state line; and then a U.S. 30 Route 46 Split. This would lead motorists to a  US 30 Route 34 Split. While this proposal had some good elements to it, the major issues were  its projected traffic volume (as low as 1.5 million vehicle miles and an estimated 1-3 million vehicles every day),  the proposed route length was significantly longer than the intended purpose of the route (the  Proposed route was supposed to span the entire width of West Pennsylvania), and the plan failed to  address the various impacts of the alternative and traffic disruptions to West Pennsylvania residents  and businesses. The West Branch proposal is now generally regarded as a failed concept, but that did not stop  the Governor from announcing the “West Branch Route Alternatives Plan” in 2009. This plan is  now on the November General Assembly Transportation and Infrastructure Committee agenda. This  plan is a “Piecemeal Plan;” a concept of transportation improvements that is proposed over time  and is not intended to be adopted as a permanent system. The “West Branch Route” plan includes  numerous alternative routing options including U.S. Route 29 (US 29) and US 45.  According to the official presentation, this plan is the culmination of a  process of analysis and planning that has been ongoing since 1988. Some  alternatives are to a U.S. Route 30 routing, the West Coast Express, South Coast Express,  New Jersey Route 31, and the Interstate Route 95 to the south. It is expected that additional  alternative routes will be developed to provide a complete, efficient, economical transportation system.

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